Our flour mixes, the result of extensive research, are ideal for making bread products with a unique flavour and very high digestibility.
Multigrain Line
A classic mix of sourdough and wheat, rice and soy flours, with an add of oat, rye, barley malt, barley and pumpkin, sunflower and linseed flours, for a more rustic and wholemeal taste, with a higher amount of fiber.

Expert Line
Made from wheat, soy and rice flour and dried “Biga”, this line of flour mixes is perfect for making high-quality dough. Designed for high hydration products, these mixes are ideal for making Pinsa Romanas, pan pizzas and pizzas on a board. The Expert Line makes it possible to create products that combine flavour and digestibility.

Pinsa Romana Expert - Blue

With active Mother Dough, this mix of type “0” soft wheat, rice, soy and dried wheat sourdough starter guarantees greater water absorption. The leavening lasts 4-48 hours.
Pinsa Romana Line
The line for making genuine Pinsa Romana, invented by Corrado Di Marco in 2001, is made up of a mix of wheat, soy flour and rice flour. It gives rise to a unique product, soft on the inside with a crunchy crust, that’s characterised by the flavour of ancient bread and very high digestibility.

PizzaSnella Line
The inimitable line of wheat and soy flour mixes, known for their ability to retain more water during cooking, making the dough even lighter and softer. The high digestibility is also ensured by "Biga", a pre-ferment that speeds up the leavening process. Recommended for medium and long leavening "ventilated" (i.e. with a light, open texture) dough.

PizzaSnella - Pink type

Mix containing type "0" soft wheat flour, soy flour and dried wheat sourdough starter. Designed for high hydration and long leavening dough (24-120 hours) with indirect baking in a pan.
Teglia Romana Line
This specific line for Roman-style pan pizza is made with a mixture of wheat, soy and rice. It's an even more fragrant dough because of the larger quantities of the new mother dough used. These flour mixes are perfect for preparing more digestible pizzas that are crispier when cold and with more hydration. Ideal for pizzerias with counter service.

Per Tonda Line
Per Tonda (round pizza) Line

Flour mix containing type "0" soft wheat, wholemeal spelt, rice, dried rice sourdough starter and toasted wheat germ for long leavening round pizza dough (24-120 hours).
The line for Roman-style pizza and classic pizza is made of a mixture of type “0” wheat, wholemeal spelt, rice, rice sourdough starter and toasted wheat germ. The rice sourdough starter in this flour mix will make the dough incredibly crispy, with an unmistakable flavour of wholemeal spelt.

Longpast Line
The Longpast Line features easy-to-use mixes for making high-quality pizzas. The mixtures of soft and hard wheat and soy flour, combined with the incorporated dried sourdough starter, result in extremely digestible dough without long leavening times in the fridge. These mixes are ideal for any type of preparation.

Longpast - Red type

This mix of type "0" soft wheat and soy flour, with dried wheat sourdough starter, is designed for all kinds of pizza: on a board, in a pan, or round. Leavening time lasts from 1 to 12 hours.
La Pala (Board), La Teglia (Pan), La Tonda (Round) Line
A new line of Di Marco flour blends, designed for creating perfect pizzas in the three different shapes, while keeping the dough light and easy to digest. Each of the three blends contains a different ratio of wheat, soy, rice and wholemeal spelt, with dried wheat and rice sourdough starters. These blends give rise to moist and airy dough low in fats, for pizza that’s soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.

La Pala (Board)

This easy-to-stretch flour blend is perfect for forming the classic elongated Pinsa shape. The high amount of dried sourdough starter makes the product easy to digest and gives it its unique flavour. It is perfect for slow cooking techniques that require a temperature below 300°. This Roman-style pizza “in pala” (on a board) is characterised by its crunchy, airy dough.
La Teglia (Pan)

The rice flour in this blend delays the drying process, maintaining the product’s crunchy texture. The dried wheat and rice sourdough starters make the dough easy to digest, even for 6-72 hour preparation times. The blend of high-quality flours gives rise to an airy dough with a soft texture, for a perfect Roman-style pan pizza.
La Tonda (Round)

The special Roman-style round pizza line is produced with a flour mix containing wholemeal spelt and dried wheat and rice sourdough starters. The blend and the long leavening times (24-96 hours) make the dough extremely crunchy. The natural leavening and the use of ancient grains give the dough its unique aroma.