Aperitivo at the bar, a passion for Italians. How to win them over, with taste and lightness

Aperitivo is such a popular and beloved phenomenon in Italy that it has given rise to a World Aperitivo Day, which is celebrated every year on 26th May. The event is an opportunity to protect and promote the authenticity of Made in Italy and enhance the rich food and beverage heritage of our country. Aperitivo is a custom that represents Italian culture and the passion for sociability, good food and conviviality.

Aperitivo at the bar, a habit for 52% of Italians

How many people consistently indulge in an early evening aperitivo? Hard to say, but according to data from FIPE (Italian Federation of public establishments) it may be as many as 52% of Italians, who in 70% of cases choose their trusted bar. Also interesting is that 86.9% spend less than 10 euros on average while only 2% spend more than 15 euros.
The fact that 52% of Italians have aperitivo (at the bar) with some regularity is already an excellent figure, but it seems likely to increase in the current context, as the pandemic has significantly changed work and relationship dynamics. In fact, the spread of remote and hybrid work has only one negative consequence: less opportunities to meet and share. This has led people to spend hours and sometimes days behind screens to participate in virtual meetings, which are still widely used to this day. As a result, the desire for sociability has grown exponentially, and people are looking for opportunities to get together and share experiences, which translates into a major opportunity for bars and other venues

Ideas for the aperitivo at the bar: let's cut back on the fried food

FIPE data reveal another significant aspect, namely that most people spend less than 10 euros. Despite the different variations that have sprung up over the years, the aperitivo remains a quick social moment that precedes dinner, and this drives most people toward low-cost options. 
Meanwhile, Italians are becoming more and more careful about the quality of food and how it is related to health and well-being. This suggests that the classic (low-cost) aperitivo accompanied by fried and highly processed foods may have a very bleak future. Evolving tastes and needs are already pushing toward a healthier and more sustainable aperitivo, in line with a growing awareness of food quality. 
Putting ourselves in the shoes of a bar owner, how do we reconcile these two needs, namely the low propensity to spend on aperitivo and the search for high quality, light and healthy products to accompany the drink or cocktail? Bar owners therefore have the opportunity to expand their business, but they must also conquer this challenge: to give more quality to the customer without cutting their margins. How?

Pinsa Di Marco: 5 good reasons to offer it to customers

Pinsa Di Marco is an ideal solution to meet the needs of customers and bar owners who want to offer a quality experience at a competitive cost. There are at least five good reasons to offer it to customers: 
1. It is genuine
The frozen bases of Pinsa Di Marco are the perfect answer to the growing demand for healthy and tasty appetizers. They are made with natural ingredients of the highest quality, and undergo natural leavening, without the addition of any chemical additives. That's why Pinsa Di Marco is an authentic and healthy choice, much better than fried food. 
2. It is artisanal
The artisanal preparation of Pinsa Di Marco guarantees the utmost care in its making. This results in a product with an authentic flavour and unique texture. Offering artisanal products for the aperitivo can set your bar apart from the competition and attract customers looking for superior experiences. 
3. Requires no special skills and can be prepared in 5 minutes
The simplicity in the preparation of Pinsa Di Marco is an advantage for bars. It requires no preparation and cooking skills and can be prepared in a few minutes, guaranteeing efficiency and a quick service. 
4. Season it as you like, reducing costs without compromising on quality
A very interesting aspect of pinsa is the ability to customize the toppings according to customers' preferences. This allows bars to personalise their offer: if customers demand quality and lightness, it is possible to use healthy and fresh ingredients while keeping costs down; if customers are particularly refined, the pinsa can serve as a base for very high quality toppings, which justify a higher price for the appetizer.
5. It’s delicious
In the end, flavour is what matters most, and Pinsa Di Marco never disappoints in terms of taste. Its mix of crunchiness and softness, combined with the quality of the ingredients, makes it irresistible to anyone who wants a satisfying aperitivo.

The solution for the best aperitivo at the bar: healthy and competitive

Pinsa Di Marco is an eclectic solution that meets the needs of customers and bar owners eager to offer a competitive and high quality aperitivo.  
Pinsa is a valuable ally for business growth and customer loyalty. The product not only expands the aperitivo, but can also make it stand out from the others (the aforementioned "usual fried foods") without weighing on preparation time, skills and costs. It also certainly captures the attention of customers looking for high-quality experiences. Therefore, we recommend that you give it a try.

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